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Supplementary benefits (EL/PC)

The supplementary benefits (EL) for AHV and IV provide assistance in cases where the pensions and income do not cover the minimum living costs. They are a legal entitlement and not a form of public or social welfare. Together with AHV and IV, the supplementary benefits are part of the social foundation of our state.

The supplementary benefits are determined by the cantons and divided into two categories:

  • Annual benefits, which are paid monthly
  • Payment of illness and disability cost


Explanatory video «Supplementary benefits for people at home»

What if my pension income and assets are not enough to cover the minimum cost of living? Find out in just two and a half minutes how you can apply for supplementary benefits and what the requirements are.

Explanatory video «Supplementary benefits for people in a home»

Entering a care home is associated with many questions. What if my income and assets cannot cover the costs incurred? Supplementary benefits can help. Find out in two minutes what requirements apply to care home residents and how to apply for supplementary benefits.

Where can I obtain more information?