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Cantonal compensation office

The cantonal compensation offices are the point of contact for people resident in the canton not linked to any professional fund association or the federal compensation office

AG - Aargau

AI - Appenzell Innerrhoden

AR - Appenzell Ausserrhoden

BE - Bern

BL - Basel-Landschaft

BS - Basel-Stadt

FR - Freiburg

GE - Genf

GL - Glarus

GR - Graubünden

JU - Jura

LU - Luzern

NE - Neuenburg

NW - Nidwalden

OW - Obwalden

SG - St.Gallen

SH - Schaffhausen

SO - Solothurn

SZ - Schwyz

TG - Thurgau

TI - Tessin

UR - Uri

VD - Waadt

VS - Wallis

ZG - Zug

ZH - Zürich

Conference of Cantonal Compensation Offices